ID 194

Wood Chips

Wood Chips
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About Wood Chips

Mulch comes in many colors and types and can help beautify your garden.

Aside from its aesthetic appeal, mulching is highly recommended for maintaining a nurtured, nutrient-rich garden.

Mulch will, among other benefits:
-Add nutrients to your soil.
-Reduce the evaporation of water from the soil it's laid down on.
-Protect your layer of top soil by insulating it from the summer heat.
-Repel and reduce weed growth.

It is best to apply 2-4" of mulch in all plant/gardening areas, depending on the type of mulch. Finer mulches: 2", coarser mulches: 4" layer.


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Price List Wood Chips

Select your delivery
Bulk Bag On Pallet (800 kg) from Stock 281 (541)
Bulk Bag On Pallet (850 kg) from Stock 450 (780)